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KomChatten - Tigerboy69


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11-01-2012 / 13:33

Nieuwe reactie geplaatst in het fotoalbum van hendrik85.

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Profiel van Tigerboy69

Nicknaam Tigerboy69
Naam Chompoo
Leeftijd 57
Woonplaats Amsterdam
Geslacht vrouw
Relatie ja
Online status Offline Offline
Lidmaatschap status Normaal lid
Aantal vrienden 0

-- Lijfspreuk --
I love to move

Dit profiel is 4602 keer bekeken.

Verstuur Privé-bericht

Over Tigerboy69

A small woman. To move forward and not regress. Hand strength and patience.
Make real truth. Do not like playing with people's feelings because it is.
Feel bad and are then lost time with feeling.
Love learning new things. Dare make bold decisions like challenges and not feel like people do not like people seductive. Do not hate men with multiple wives.

My Favourites
Dance style: Pole dancing
Number: 3 4 69
Pop stars: Britney Spears Christina Aguilera
Movie: History
horror and fighting
Computer Game: Zelda
Board Game: Taboo
Card Game: Black Jack--<@
Sports: Fitness, Dancing, Taekwando
Learning:Taekwando, Haidong Gumdo, pole dancing
Favourite food: Spicy fried squid, orange crab district.

Favourite music:70’s, 80’s disco classic pop and rock
Favourite colour: black, Yellow
, rose, green
Hobby: Internet, cooking & baking, pole dancing, biking, website-design, html.

Passed the Exam Taekwando
On 28 November 2009 I met my first black slip because I am successful with the exam Taekwando.
My exam times felt a little nervous if I're 3 shelves may go through stages?.
When I turn, I went through 3 planks stairs.
It was my success and am proud of myself.

Finish the story.

Signature: I like the way you move

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